Demands on the idealization of how a woman is supposed to look are ones she can never fulfill. They do not accept a woman for who she is but instead for what someone else expects her to be. This work looks at these pressures and breaks the trap. It takes back control of bodies while acknowledging what is sexualized and unidealized and makes it feel powerful and normal.
There is strength in women’s gendered normality. A woman is objectified walking down the street or told to be more or less; this work takes back the control. It doesn’t expect a woman to be anything other than what she is and empowers other women to feel the same way. This work portrays a woman feeling pride for being just that – a woman. Seeing her strength demands awe and admiration rather than cruel and perverse comments, which lead to objectification.
This work brings back the strength a woman can hold as she defies societal demands and embraces herself as is. It breaks out of the trap of pressures and expectation as it allows her to be herself freely.